Terralsole at Briggs Kitchen and Bar in Calgary

WineCollective and Tannic were invited to lunch by Fluid Imports, and we are excited to share all the details with you! We met with the Fluid crew at Briggs Kitchen and Bar to taste the new vintages from Terralsole. The kicker, we were hosted by the proprietor himself, Mario Bollag.

Willowpark 019
Mario Bollag at the Willow Park Wine and Spirits Auction 2011. Photo from City Style Magazine.

What you should know about Mr. Mario Bollag:

  • He is Swiss
  • He can call his wines “girly”, and in his accent it sounds amazing (we may say feminine)
  • He is incredibly philanthropic; raising money for his charity Tè Solèy in Haiti (Mario lived in Haiti)
  • He is an animal lover, and it sounds like his dog is very spoiled
  • He is supportive of the arts; did you know he previously owned an art gallery?
  • He has a great love for music
  • His love and dedication to his family are apparent from the first time you meet him
  • He is a pescatarian! See, you can be vegetarian and appreciate red wine!
  • He visits Canada yearly, and is a great supporter of Canadian art and culture. The 2007 Brunello Riserva features a painting by Whitsler artist Lisa Geddes


Photo from Terralsole website of the Estate’s vineyards.
Photo from the Terralsole website of the Estate’s house and Cantina.

Why are Terralsole wines amazing?

  • Mario does not confine Terralsole to convention, he is ground-breaking with his winemaking philosophy (he planted Cab Franc in Montalcino!)
  • Mario’s wife, Athena Tergis Bollag, plays her violin in the vineyards (that must make for elegant and sophisticated wines!)
  • Mario’s understanding of Sangiovese Grosso and his terroir is replicated in the wines he produces
dining room
Photo from Brigg’s website of the private dining room with a prime view of the kitchen.
Photo from the Briggs website of the 48oz tomahawk.

Lunch at Briggs was a buffet of everything from the gnocchi and flatbread to the short ribs and 48oz tomahawk steak. Barely a crumb was leftover, not because the portions were small, but because Chef Xavier Lacave and his team produce nothing but the best! (check out the menu)

Tannic has featured Terralsole and have received great feedback. Here is what we tasted:

  • 2008 Terralsole Rosso di Montalcino D.O.C
  • 2008 Terralsole Brunello di Montalcino D.O.C.G.
  • 2007 Terralsole Brunello di Montalcino Riserva D.O.C.G.
  • 2006 Terralsole Coldoro Merlot I.G.T
  • 2006 Terralsole Solista Syrah I.G.T.
  • 2006 Terralsol Pasticcio I.G.T.

Join Tannic to be first in line to receive offerings of Terralsole’s new vintages!