WineCollective weather advisory

It’s time to bundle up; mittens, toques and scarves are now necessary to keep us all from the stone cold temperatures across Canada.

While our WineCollective shipping boxes are secure and safe for travel, they do not include built-in parkas for bottles, meaning your wine may be in risk of freezing should temperatures drop. Wine can freeze at -10°C, which is not uncommon in most Canadian cities.


For this reason, WineCollective has implemented a policy, delaying the the delivery of your wine should the weather not permit. If the weather is forecast to remain below – 20 degrees Celsius for an extended period of time, we will delay delivery until we feel it is safe to ship. As we aim to provide our club members with quality, convenience and experience, we do not want compromise the integrity of your wine.

With cold temperatures, wine has the ability to expand as it freezes forcing the cork seal to pop out, or screw cap to deform. With the airtight seal breached, the taste and quality of the wine can be altered.

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Should your wine freeze without causing damage to the bottle it should still be drinkable. Try to thaw the wine at room temperature and consume it immediately, once it reaches your desired temperature. Unfortunately, with the freeze, the wine will no longer be able to maintain its usual cellaring potential. While frozen wine is sometimes welcomed for ice wine, slushy drinks or popsicles, typically it is best enjoyed in liquid form.

If shipping is delayed due to poor weather, you can expect an email notification from us. Please feel free to contact WineCollective today if you have any questions about our policy or frozen wine.

Stay warm!