Commonly mispronounced wine words

The world of wine is incredibly intimidating with countless varieties, distinctive regional qualities and terminology to suit each wine producing country. Regardless of your experience with wine, pronouncing a foreign word is never easy. No one wants to feel foolish for not having the ability to roll his or her R’s or for over exaggerating some fancy French term.


Once again, WineCollective has made it easy for you with a list of wine terms and how to pronounce them. Whether it be the variety, region or some poetic expression of soil (see terroir*) you will no longer have to point to a wine list and say, “Chateau de… That one, please.”

Wine Regions




Wine Terms


Pronunciation is key to impressing friends or hot date with wine knowledge. Your location or accent may leave a slight twist on some words but that only adds character. Remember, confidence is key. We encourage you to practice; after all, everyone at WineCollective still has a word or two they feel silly to say out loud. Look at the wine list before going to the restaurant; that way, you can repeat “al zass” the whole way there.