Enjoy the new all-red Rosso Package

Four Bottles Red

WineCollective is pleased to announce a great new package! The Rosso!

Like the name implies, the Rosso is made up of 100% red wine. Usually WineCollective members who have subscribed to our other fine packages receive a mixture of red, white, rose and sparkling wines. However, for those people who just can't get enough red, we created a package specifically for you!

With four bottles a month, you can expect a strong mixture of varietals (it isn't 100% Shiraz that's for sure!) which will allow Rosso subscribers to continue to expand their paletes.

Visit the Packages page to subscribe. If you are a current WineCollective member, you can change your package to the Rosso free of charge. Visit the “My Account” page for more information or feel free to give us a call at 403.648.9094 or by email at thecellar@winecollective.ca