Frosé Friday

Embrace the Rosé

Since we work with wine pretty much everyday, it’s nice to switch things up sometimes. And since it’s still the summertime, what better way to mix wine and sunny days than to whip up a batch of Frosé! We know that Rosé has a bit of a reputation. However, we think it’s completely undeserved. Rosé is a beautiful, delicious wine that livens up your tastebuds, cools you in the heat, and refreshes your palate. We love a crisp, chilled glass on fall evenings too. Made from red grapes, Rosé is technically a red wine — which some “red wine snobs” might argue. But if you ask us, it doesn’t matter. All we care about is drinking really great wine and we promise you, there are some exceptional Rosés to be enjoyed!

Choosing the Right Rosé

We chose a mid-August Friday to break up the day with some Frosé — which is not typical for most offices. However, we are a lucky bunch who get to enjoy wine during work hours. One of our favourite Rosés for the summer in particular is a past WineCollective feature: Rosé Piscine. It’s a Rosé made to be served super chilled and on the rocks! A match made in Frosé heaven. Here is the recipe we used, which is a combination of resourcefulness, internet tips, and good old-fashioned determination.

WineCollective Frosé Recipe

  • Pour a bottle of Rosé Piscine into ice cube trays
  • Freeze for at least 6 hours. Because of the alcohol, the Rosé cubes won’t be frozen solid — which is perfect!
  • Empty all of the Rosé cubes into a blender
  • Add in 6 quartered strawberries
  • Add in 1 TBSP honey or agave syrup to taste — if you want to sweeten it up
  • Pulse blend until mixed. Don’t over-blend!
  • Serve with halved strawberries for garnish

Time to Stock Up!

Our store is full right now with great Rosé options, including the Rosé Piscine. We also have a 6 bottle pack of a French Rosé new to Canada, for those on extra hosting duty. There’s always a perfect time for Rosé, as far we’re concerned.
